Pedagogy of Memory. The Bombing of Guernica. Peace Pedagogy through Memory and Art. By María Oianguren and Alex Carrascosa (coords.)

Pedagogy of Memory. The Bombing of Guernica. Peace Pedagogy through Memory and Art. By María Oianguren and Alex Carrascosa (coords.)

We want to propose the study of memory and art as key elements in the Pedagogy of Peace with this didactic unit “Pedagogy of Memory. The Bombing of Guernica. Pedagogy of Peace through memory and art”.

For this reason, the general approach that can be glimpsed in this proposal is clearly linked to the answers that arise from the most elementary question in relation to memory and to answer the question, why remember?

Memory from a critical viewpoint in the field of Peacebuilding allows us to analyse the past in order to understand the present and to propose other ways of moving forward with hope and determination in the change of paradigm. It is necessary for us to go deeper into the paradigm if you want peace, prepare for peace, in order to leave behind the well-known and applied si vis pacem para bellum (if you want peace, prepare for war) which legitimises the use of violence in order to present it as inevitable.



  • Presentation of the didactic unit
  • Memory and Reconciliation
  • Building Peace
  • Memory and Peacebuilding through Art

Educational material produced by Gernika Gogoratuz.

This didactic unit has been produced with the financial support of the Ministry of the Presidency of the Government of Spain.

María Oianguren and Alex Carrascosa, coordinators.

Gernika Peace Museum Foundation.
Gernikazarra History Group.

Published by:
Gernika Gogoratuz Peace Research Association.



July 2008


Art and Peace, Memory