What we do

The Center develops research, training and dissemination processes that want to contribute to the strengthening of Gernika´s symbol, declared by UNESCO, City of Peace for the European region (2002-2003) and continue with the study of its symbolic representations as a pedagogical contribution to the culture of peace.

For this, we carry out educational programs for peace and we participate in research and international cooperation programs, through academic collaborations with universities, social organizations and institutions.

Art and Peace

“Art obtains a more precise form or expression when its motivation is clear. If it is motivated by peace, the purpose of art will be the creation of new meanings, narratives, representations, devices, symbolic spaces and subjectivities related to peace”. (Alex Carrascosa, 2021)

Encuentro de Arte y Paz. Gernika Gogoratuz


· Artistic exhibition “Territorios en Conflicto“. From June 21st to July 5th 2021, at Astra Gernika-Fabrica Social de Creación Cultural.
· Infographics about the results of the IV Peace Economics Lab by Alex Carrascosa, October 28th 2020..
· Colouring peace and coexistence in Florencia (Caquetá, Colombia). December from 1st to 29th 2020.
· “Can art stop a bullet? William Kelly’s Big Picture” documentary presentation. October 29th 2020.
· Himmelstaush project – Sky exchange. The sky of Berlin flies over the sky of Guernica. September 21st 2019.
· VII Art and Peace seminar. Memory and space in urban art. October 27th and 28th 2017.
· Cuerpos Gramaticales workshop by the collective AgroArte (Colombia). October 28th 2017.
·”Theatre of the Oppressed” in collaboration with Harrobia and Gernikako Bakearen Museoa Fundazioa. From October 26th 2017 to October 7th 2018.

icono publicaciones


· The artivist embarkation. By Alex Carrascosa, Iratxe Momoitio and Maria Oianguren. 2018
· La asamblea artivista. By Alex Carrascosa. “Por la Paz” Nº 32 ICIP. 2017
· The construction of social organism as a work of art (repeating Beuys). By Alex Carrascosa. AusArt. Vol. 4, Núm. 2. 2016
· Dia Tekhné. Dialogue through art. Alex Carrascosa. 2009
· Pedagogy of Memory. The Bombing of Guernica. Peace Pedagogy through Memory and Art. By María Oianguren and Alex Carrascosa (coords.) 2008

Education for Peace

Training courses are offered to schoolchildren, cultural and social associations with the aim of vindicating memory and art as a pedagogy of peace.

gernika gogoratuz Venues

Venues of victims//Venues of perpetrators. Mapping, decoding & processing the role of historical-civic education in (European) Youth Work

It is a European project that wants to analyze the challenge of transmitting memory and history to young Europeans in the non-formal educational field. Its objectives are to share knowledge, facilitate the exchange of experiences and promote a citizenship aware of the value of democracy and human rights.

gernika gogoratuz que hacemos ciudad paz

Gernika City of Peace in the 21st Century

It is a training program aimed at students (3rd and 4th of ESO and Bachillerato) of schools in the Basque Country. Its objective is to reflect on war and peace, from a human rights approach, based on a historical reminder of the bombing of Gernika to deepen democratic coexistence.

Research for Peace

The research is carried out with a focus on rights, which articulates the local and the global, through academic collaborations with universities, social organizations and institutions.

Economia de Paz

Economy of Peace. Human Rights and Business

It is a research project that seeks to bring together different sectors (business, administration, academia and associative sector) in a space for dialogue to improve the performance around rights in the business world. It is carried out in collaboration with ehuGune (UPV / EHU), REAS, CONGD’s of Euskadi and “Economistas sin Fronteras”.

Gernika Gogoratuz We do in conflict

Territories in Conflict: accompanying processes and consolidating narratives on the sustainability of life

Phase II. 2020-2021

It is an international cooperation project presented in consortium with the NGO “Gernikatik Mundura”. A study is being carried out on the impact that the neoliberal hegemonic model has on the territories, based on the approaches of Sustainable Human Development (DHS) and Local Human Development (DHL). Four areas of impact are studied: access to land, gender inequalities, sustainability and cultural identity in Tolima – Colombia; Cabo Delgado – Mozambique; and Urdaibai – Euskal Herria.

Cultural Heritage and the Re-construction os Identities after Conflict

CRIC Identity and conflict.
Cultural heritage and the re- construction of identities after conflict.

This EU-funded project aims to investigate the identity impact of the destruction and subsequent selective reconstruction of cultural heritage. It aims to clarify the empirical and theoretical relationships between cultural heritage, conflict and identities. In particular, it examines how destruction and reconstruction affect notions of group membership and identity at different scales, from the individual to the pan-national level.