
I congreso urdaibai


From 13th to 15th November the “1st International Congress: Building bridges between Science and the management of biosphere reserves” is taking place at the Basque Biodiversity Centre (Ekoetxea de Busturia) organized by the Basque Government together with the UNESCO Chair of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

The 14th November, the documentary “Urdaibai: Oreka Bizian” (“Urdabai: Balance of Life”) will be screened followed by a round table, bringing together representatives from the alternative initiatives appearing in that film. The round table talk between Keko Alonso (“Kolore Guztietako Basoak”, “Forest of all colors”), Ugaitz Gaztelu (“Arkibai”, “Collective Architectures”), Maitane Uriarte (“Lobak”, initiative by the grandchild-generation of the bombardment of Gernika) and Dabid Zelaia (“Jangurie”, initiative of the school canteens of Urdaibai) will be presented by Xabier Arana.