Gernika Gogoratuz participates in the seminar cycle “Camponese Feminist Economists” that will take place online from February 1st to May 16th. This seminar cycle is organized by the CES – Centro de Estudos Sociais de la Universidad de Coimbra (Portugal) and is part of the fifth “Feminist Ecologies” schools´ edition as collective spaces for reflection on the knowledge and practices of women from different realities.
Gernika Gogoratuz will be present with three researchers from the team such as Jokin Alberdi, also president of the association Gernika Gogoratuz, Liliana Zambrano and Teresa Cunha. In addition, the Associação da Comunidade do Assentamento Dandara dos Palmares, Camamu-BA of Brasil, the Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra of Portugal, the União Nacional de Camponeses de Moçambique, the Basque Country University UPV/EHU or the Deusto University among other organizations will be there.
This year’s edition is dedicated to the deepening of debates on feminist peasant economies such as the terrain, from which alternatives of struggle and resistance emerge in contexts that were produced as devoid of any ontological and epistemological substance by colonial and patriarchal capitalism. This way, it will be questioned both the conflicts over land that threatens the practices and knowledge that there exist and that are nourished by generations of women; the discourses that still nowadays insist on seeing them as objects of study, intervention and salvation, as well as their knowledge and practices for a conceptual and social renewal of the care and life that is worth to be lived.