Case study: Urdaibai (Basque Country) Knowing initiatives and collectively sharing diagnostics. By Xabier Arana Eiguren

Case study: Urdaibai (Basque Country) Knowing initiatives and collectively sharing diagnostics. By Xabier Arana Eiguren

This study, which forms part of the project “Territorios en Conflicto”, was conducted by Xabier Arana Eiguren with the collaboration of Alfonso Dubois, Jokin Alberdi, María Oianguren, Efren Areskurrinaga, Andreas Schäfter and Ana Etxarte.
Xabier Arana Eiguren has a bachelor´s degree in Biology and a master’s degree in Environmental Evaluation and Restoration. He was the head of Biosphere Reserve Urdaibai from 1996 – 2007 as well as member of the “Comisión Ambiental del Colegio Oficial de Biólogos de Euskadi”. Since 2012 he is the head of the “Sección de Sostenibilidad y Educación Ambiental de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia” and member of the society “Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi” as well as the Foundation Lurgaia etc.

General description of the región BUSTURIALDEA-URDAIBAI
Analysis of the main problems, possible resistance and challenges – their Solutions and Alternatives

Appendix 1
The Socioecosystem of BUSTURIALDEA-URDAIBAI: Organisations of the civil society
Appendix II
Problems, Challenges (P-R), Resistence and alternatives (RR-a) in BUSTURIALDEA-URDAIBAI
Appendix III
Shared initiatives of the civil society and local authorities

Publishing this edition was possible due to funding by the Agencia Vasca de Cooperación para el Desarrollo (AVCD-Elankidetza) and the Peace Research Center Gernika Gogoratuz in collaboration with the association Gernikatik Mundura.


September 2020


Territories in Conflict